We're a
community, first and
90th to 99th Streets;
Amsterdam to Riverside
Manhattan's West 90's is a wonderfully diverse neighborhood that blends old New York charms with modern living and sophisticated lifestyles.
Luxury high-rises sit side by side with smaller classic UWS brownstones, gourmet restaurants with family eateries, and specialty shops with familiar national retailers. Framed by Riverside Park’s incredible historic monuments, romantic promenades, lush gardens, and happy playgrounds, our 30 square blocks offer a special feeling of community and a welcoming snapshot of New York urban living.
The West 90s Neighborhood Association is a New York not-for-profit volunteer-run corporate organization that is pending IRS 501c(3) tax status. It seeks to preserve the unique character and aesthetic of this neighborhood and serves to both inform and engage those who live and work here on issues of communal interest. Our projects are funded by private contributions.
We encourage your exploration and embrace your participation.
How You Can Help
Our community organization is run by volunteers—most of whom live and work in the neighborhood. We welcome participation from anyone who has time and energy to spare and wants to be part of the process of keeping our neighborhood safe, habitable and beautiful.
Nearly 300 buildings line the 30 blocks that comprise our neighborhood: a mix of residential, retail and restaurants; modern high rises and small apartment buildings; large and small commercial buildings, coops, condos, rentals and hotels. For us to keep you informed, we need to know who YOU are and how to contact you. Please register your building with us to facilitate communications.
Donations provide necessary funds for professional support (e.g. legal, accounting, fundraising, website design and assistance) and technical expertise that our volunteers may not possess. We gladly accept donations from individuals, from retail establishments and from buildings in the area, as well as corporations, foundations and City agencies.